There are some things that you simply can't help doing. It's exactly the case with this project. It's dedicated to the people who are the closest to me but no longer here – my grandparents. They were with me during my childhood. I am what I am because of them. They left but my memories about them are still with me and I captured them in glass. In this project, similarly to Pavlov's Dog, I am reacting with my "emotional salivating" to the light that switches on above my favorite images.
The project uses the allegorical image of Pavlov's Dog.
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov is a famous Russian physiologist known primarily for his work in classical conditioning.
Technical description of the project:
Two art objects made of Perspex represent a photo gallery of images. One of the objects is dedicated to my grandmother, the other one to my grandpa. A large light bulb shape is cut into the Perspex sheet. From the inside it's filled with the objects which used to belong to my grandparents. These things characterize their way of life. A small electric light bulb is inside the large bulb shape and is connected to the transformer which switches the light from one light bulb to the other. This way, the viewer's attention switches from one object to the other.
Text from Tiutikova Alevtina